Saturday 28 March 2015

Juno and the Paycock | #ProjectHitch

Juno and the Paycock (1930) is the second Hitchcock feature film to have sound and after the triumph that was Blackmail, I have to admit that Juno was a little bit of a disappointment. 

Juno and the Paycock is based on the Sean O'Casey play of the same name and follows the story of a lower class family during the Irish Revolution, living under the pretence that they are to receive a large inheritance.

Juno was by no means the first Hitch film to be adapted from a play but so far it’s the only one that didn’t quite make the transition for me. The film didn’t feel like it was utilising its medium. It felt quite static to me and I found it difficult to pay attention which was problematic considering that the sound quality of the version I watched wasn’t the best, coupled with the extremely thick Irish accents, I definitely missed lines of dialogue here and there. Overall the film felt like a chore to watch, which definitely isn’t how I want my movie going experiences to feel.

Juno and the Paycock is maybe a movie I need to give another chance at some point. The overall story wasn’t bad and the characters definitely created interest but my experience, unfortunately, was a bit of a failure.

Definitely looking forward to a fresh start with the next film on my list, Murder!


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